The roastery is closed 26th Sept - 3rd Oct. Orders during these dates will be processed from the 3rd Oct.

Honduras – Carlos Alfredo


 Flavour Notes: Strawberry | Raspberry | Dark Chocolate


Altitude – 1450 to 1550 MSAL

Variety- IHCAFE 90

Process – Natural

Region – Corquin area of Copan

SKU: N/A Category:

Carlos Alfredo Estevez is a second generation coffee farmer from the Corquin area of Copan. Carlos parents
cultivated various different crops in their lifetime, from sugar cane to tobacco, riding waves of price fluctuations until
they eventually settled on coffee farming, which for their generation was fairly profitable. Carlos and his brothers
inherited the small amount of land they had and continued to produce coffee, until recently when his brother
changed to cucumber farming. Carlos lost his land some years ago since it wasnt making any money and was just
causing the family to take on debt. Carlos is a trained agronomist and started out with Aruco as a technician, visiting
farmers and giving training on farm management. Four years ago when Falcon started the quality uplift project in
Honduras, Carlos was appointed as manager of micro-lots and specialty coffee. This has seen him learn about all
aspects of coffee quality, covering plant nutrition through to innovative fermentation and drying methods, all in order
to coax the most out of the coffee in the area. Having seen the success of the micro-lot project, Carlos decided to
buy new land and start farming coffee again. He found land in the higher lands in the area, all above 1450masl,
where coffee quality is higher. Carlos grows caturra, lempira, parainema and Ihcafe 90, some of which was recently
planted and some was already growing when he bought the land. The name of this farm is El Supte. The producers
will receive about 70% of the FOB price for their micro lots. All the processing for the ML’s takes place at the Aruco
mill to centralise and have greater control over the process to create consistent procedures but also to reduce the
risk on the producer. The mill is also at 800masl which gives a drier more stable climate to dry the coffee compared
to up at the farms where the weather can be less predictable. The coffee will be delivered to the mill where they
assess the cherry (take Brix) and decide on the process for the coffees depending on space and what the producer
has done already. The cherry is cleaned and washed and then floated to remove any immatures. The coffee is then
taken to the beds where it is dried for between 20 – 30 days weather depending where it is turned hourly.


Aeropress, Espresso, Filter, French Press, Mokapot, V60, Wholebean

Bag Weight

1kg, 250g


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